Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Little Mermaid

My Dear Daughter,

    Yesterday you went on your first Dineyland ride: The Little Mermaid!  You were so brave, you kept your eyes open the whole time, and just watched all of the animatronics and listened to the music.  That was Kellan's first ride at Disneyland, too.

    You were dressed like a strawberry yesterday, and so many people stopped to tell us just how cute you were.  And you were such a good girl, too.

    You smile a lot these days, and crinkle your little nose.  Your mom has even heard you laugh a couple of times.  Your newest trick is flailing your arms and hitting the little toys that hang down from your car seat.  You also like to kick your legs, and I think you can't wait to start running around and terrorizing your big brother.

    Lots of people have told us that they really love your baby announcement.  I hope you don't mind what I wrote on the back for you.  (What am I saying? Of course you'll mind, but I guess it's okay since you're too young right now to give me a hard time for it!)

    I love you!

- Pappa