Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Icing on the Cake

Drum roll please...

It's obviously anticlimactic for you to be reading this.  This is a fact you have known all your life.  No new information here for you, but for your mom and I, we now know that from this day forth, though we may still call you "our child" or "our baby", as we have in the past few months, now we can also call you "our son."

           It is not flesh and blood, but heart which makes us fathers and sons. 
                 ~Friedrich von Schiller

After the cake was cut, and the blue icing revealed, our family played the Kinect XBox 360 games.  Your grandmother signed off of the computer (she joined us via webcam from Colorado Springs), your Uncle Mike signed off from his webcam at work, your grandparents and Uncle Josh and your cousins Casey and Alex went home.

We spent the night talking about names, the room we're going to make for you, and the fact that we'll need to get you circumsized, but all the while, my imagination was looking to the future - to the man that you will one day become.  But first, I have to make sure you get to be a boy, and to not rush the months and years ahead.  For, one day, I'll be sad that I did so, if I am fortunate enough to grow old.

I hope that I can be a good father to you, and that I can provide more than food and shelter.  I want to help give you all the skills that you will need for your journey ahead, even though I, myself, do not possess all of them.

I think the first skill we'll work on is the ability to use a toilet.  (Luckily, that's one that I've nearly mastered...)

I love you, my son.

That's the first time I've said that, but it won't be the last.

Your dad.

P.S.  Your mom was right!  She knew you were a boy!  (Listen to her counsel, my son.  She's got the gift.)

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