Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Son, the World Traveller

Hey Son!

   It is no mystery why I am choosing to write you now.  You and your mom are out of town, visiting your Great Grandma Pagel.  I'm holding down the fort here in Rancho Cucamonga, making sure your dogs Emily and Maggie get fed and get their walks.  I'm working a lot, trying to make the best use of the time while you and your mom are away.

   I miss you and your mom, and look forward to when you'll come home.  Until then, I'm going to try to get our taxes done and even do some consulting work to try to pay for those taxes!  I wonder what your life is like, when you read this.  How high are taxes?  Did we plan well enough for your future for you to have an education?  Are your mom and I doing okay financially?

   Does it sound like I'm obsessed with finances?  They say it comes with the territory when you are a new father.  My mom and dad never had the opportunity to set anything aside for my education.  I'm really hoping you won't have to say the same thing.  I know you'll work hard - I just want you to be able to go to the school where you want to go, to study the things you want to learn.

   It's a big job, trying to look into the future and see what things might be like - one that's hard to do when there's a maelstrom of activity around you, so I'm trying to take this time to breathe, and think hard about the future.

   Your mom sent me photos of you today, running around your Great-Grandmother's house.  Everyong can't believe how early you started walking, nor can they believe how appropriate your middle name is.

   Here's the story your mom texted to me today:

The first picture was Kellan patting my boobs. The second one, is him in front of the giant slope!

He just crawled down the scary slope...

And now he shuts the doors...he has LOVED shutting and opening those doors. There's a gap, so his fingers don't get pinched!

After he leaves our room, goes down the slope, shuts the doors, he goes through the laundry room to the kitchen...where he must traverse the treacherous tile door threshold. (ironically, that's where my grandpa fell and broke his hip...that led to him passing)

After he gets across the threshold, he opens EVERY cupboard door in the kitchen...I think it's good we don't have handles on our doors...

Grabs a snack to continue on his journey...

Heads to the front door

Checks on the kitties through the window...

Time to head to the bedroom to check on "gega"...

Past the fireplace...

Past more interesting knick knacks...

Found "gega," so time to check on "Tucson grandma..."

Sees I'm getting photo documentation of his trek...

Finds grandma...

Rips card in half and grandma tells me that was John's card...Kellan scores 2 points- one for destruction and one for destroying John's card...

Passes the bathroom as he runs away with the evidence...

Runs to grandma's room because mommy is trying to take the pieces away of what is now HIS card...

He gets this picture...

And this...and kisses and pats them

I got the card and now he runs back to our room laughing doing fist pumps...

Hope you enjoyed that!  Your mom makes both of us laugh a lot - we're two very lucky men.

I love you, Kellan.

Now... back to doing taxes!

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