Tuesday, September 21, 2010

140 Beats Per Minute

So, we found out yesterday whether I'm writing this to three kiddoes, two kiddoes, or one.  And the answer is one!  You will need to learn how to share at some point in the future, but right now, you've got your own room!  (Or "womb," I should say...)

Your mom read in a book today that girl heartbeats are typically 160 beats per minute, and boy heartbeats are around 140, but it's way too early to tell if it's pink or blue shoes we'll be buying.  

We went back to Disneyland today to celebrate (I wore my Binary Dad shirt), and you can now add the "Haunted Manision" to your list of rides that you've already been on.  We also took in a 3D show in "A Bug's Land" called, "It's Tough To Be a Bug."  We enjoyed it, especially knowing that soon we'd see it again with you!  Spiders came down from the ceiling, we got splashed, and the seats felt like bugs were squirming under us and poking us in the back during an "attack."

We went for pizza afterward, and then came home.  I picked up some nausea medication for your mom, and then read a book called, "A Storm of Swords" for about an hour before taking Maggie and Emily for a long walk.  Your mom was fast asleep when I came back, and I'm thinking of hopping on the elliptical to exercise for a bit.  I need to stay fit so I can be strong and healthy for you!  Sitting down too much during the day, as my job requires, doesn't lend itself to staying in shape (well... "round" is a shape, but not the one I'm going for...)

I love you, kid.

It was neat to hear your heartbeat.  Can't wait to welcome you into the world.


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