Monday, October 18, 2010


Well, kiddo.  We got our second glimpse of you today, and to be honest...  You looked a little like this guy:

Yeah, I know it's weird, but if you look closely at the next ultrasound, you might see the same resemblance to "Strong Bad" that we did.

That's you peekin' at us!  We also got some video that's currently on your mom's phone.  We got to see your little heart beating!  It was amazing!

I'm glad that I got to see you.  I was so sad last week when your mom had to go to the doctor, and they checked on you.  Everything was fine, so they were going to cancel our appointment today, but your mom made sure that they didn't, because she knew how much I wanted to see you.  Plus, we got pictures today, and they didn't give your mom any on her visit, so now you get to see you, too!

Love you, kid.  Stay safe in there.


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