Friday, August 27, 2010

The Family Has Been Updated

Hey Kiddo!

   So, I was able to tell your Grandmother Kathy in person that you were going to be coming into the world (last Friday), and this morning I spoke to your Aunt Jai over the phone, and she was over the moon as well.

   My sister (Kristi was her name as we were growing up) is a fantastic mother with three boys, whom I'm sure you'll one day meet.  They'll be 11 to 15 years older than you, but I hope that one day you'll call each other every once in a while and see how things are going.

   Family is important, and although my mom and my sister and I are scattered accross the country, we have a stronger connection now than when we all lived under the same roof.  I wish you could have met your Grandpa Doug.  My dad was a great musician and artist, and kept our family protected and warm.  We didn't have a lot of the same interests growing up, but he was a loving father nonetheless, and I'm sad that you'll only get to know him through photographs

   We saw Tim and Melisa's baby last night, Evangeline, and as I held her I imagined what life will be like in less than 9 months.  In those few moments, with Evie asleep in my arms, I forgot about everything in my life that causes me a little stress or worry.  I can't wait to hold you in my arms as you fall asleep.

   Be good!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Your Adventuring Parents

Hey Kiddo,

  Your mom and I were playing a video game last night, "Lara Croft and the Guardians of Light."  She's quite the video game player, and we had a blast working together solving puzzles and blasting undead creatures to smithereens.

   We'll probably still be playing video games in a few years, but just in case, I wanted you to know what we did with our nights before you came along.  We'd watch a movie from Netflix, or stream something over the X-Box, or work out on the treadmill and the elyptical machine that we have upstairs, or sometimes go to the track and walk around there (when it's not too hot!).  We don't like to go out to movie theatres much these days - too many factors that can ruin a good experience.

   We watched a little bit of the "Revenge of the Sith" last night, and saw the scene where Padme tells Anakin that she's pregnant.  Your mom said, "If we have twins that are a boy and a girl we should name them Luke and Leia."

   Just one of the many reasons why I love your mother!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Our First Challenge

Okay, well, maybe it's not our first challenge, but since you've officially been in your mom's belly, this qualifies as our first challenge...

Your mom's been having some pain, and we finally found out what's been causing it today.  We should have found out Friday (it is now Monday), but the doctor that your mom went to wasn't given the right information by her staff (or didn't do her job), so now we are three days behind in getting her healed up.  Hopefully, in about a week, our first challenge will be over, and we'll be on to the next one!

We're hoping that this doesn't impact you, but there's only a small chance that things would get complicated because of this.  We love you so much, and just want to keep you safe.

I'm glad I'm back from my business trip so I can be here for your mom.  Your mom is able to do things on her own, and take care of business, but everybody appreciates a little help once in a while.

Your mom and I also held hands and took our first steps together into the store called "Babies 'R Us" tonight.  We looked at all kinds of baby stuff - stuff that I never knew existed, and stuff that you'll outgrow in a matter of weeks or months... but we'll get it for you anyway, because we love you!

All my love,


Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Word To Your Mother"

Hey kiddo!

   Your mom sent me the best text message today, and she mentioned you.  She said:

"Just wanted to say I love you, miss you and can't wait to hug you (with our baby in between us!) when you get home tomorrow... I know you're super busy so I don't expect a text back!  Just love, love, love you...xoxo"

   She's like that, as you'll soon discover.  You've got the best mom in the world, and we're so lucky to have her in our lives.

   She also got some good news today - she got a callback for a pilot that she auditioned for two weeks ago, which is pretty much the time when you were making your entrance into the world.  You've been a good thing for her, in more ways than one.  You're her lucky charm.

   You're all we talk about, and we'll be talking about you for the rest of our lives.  Stay safe in there.  See you around April 29th or so...

   All my love,


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Thundercats are go!"

Those are the first words your mother said to me this morning.  She got the call with the lab results this morning - it's official!  Your mom is pregnant with you!

Somehow, I didn't think it was going to come back negative.  You'll find out, as you grow up, that sometimes, you just "know" something.

Her number (60) was high (20 is average) which might mean that you are twins, or it might just mean that she's REALLY pregnant - in 2010, we still don't have a test that can tell us what to expect.

But that's part of the fun... wondering what you'll be like, and if you'll like Star Wars and Disneyland and Dungeons and Dragons and cupcakes and Halloween, and yes... Thundercats.

There's so much to show you.  I can't wait!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Today I found out you were coming into the world!

Hey kiddo!  Your mom just told me today that you are now officially a twinkle in her eye.  Or you might be two twinkles... or three... or four!

Tomorrow we'll get the results of the blood test that your mom took today, to be sure.  She has been so excited the last two weeks, and couldn't wait to find out if she was pregnant with you.

She had a surprise for me... I'm on a business trip to Tulsa, OK, this week.  How did your extremely creative and loving mother decide to tell me that she was pregnant?  With a very cool t-shirt tucked away in my suitcase that spells "dad" in binary if you convert it to ASCII characters (68, 65, 68).

It was a perfect puzzle!  She's so awesome, as you will soon find out in about 9 months!

I love you, kid.  I'll check in tomorrow!