Thursday, August 26, 2010

Your Adventuring Parents

Hey Kiddo,

  Your mom and I were playing a video game last night, "Lara Croft and the Guardians of Light."  She's quite the video game player, and we had a blast working together solving puzzles and blasting undead creatures to smithereens.

   We'll probably still be playing video games in a few years, but just in case, I wanted you to know what we did with our nights before you came along.  We'd watch a movie from Netflix, or stream something over the X-Box, or work out on the treadmill and the elyptical machine that we have upstairs, or sometimes go to the track and walk around there (when it's not too hot!).  We don't like to go out to movie theatres much these days - too many factors that can ruin a good experience.

   We watched a little bit of the "Revenge of the Sith" last night, and saw the scene where Padme tells Anakin that she's pregnant.  Your mom said, "If we have twins that are a boy and a girl we should name them Luke and Leia."

   Just one of the many reasons why I love your mother!

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